Evaluation of anti‐inflammatory agents using a model of granuloma formation evoked by divinyl copolymer beads in the mouse lung

We have developed and quantitated a reproducible standardized granulomatous inflammatory reaction using divinyl copolymer beads. Approximately 10000 gas sterilized beads (43–53 μm in diameter) are injected into the tail veins of mice and embolize to the lungs where they evoke granuloma formation which is maximal at 48 h. The anti-inflammatory effects of both steroidal and nonsteroidal agents, namely, bacterial levan, hydrocortisone acetate, polyanetholsulfonate, indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid, ellagic acid, and aminophylline were determined by comparing granuloma size in treated animals with those in untreated controls. Granulomas in paraffin sections were traced on the ground glass screen of a light microscope and the area of each granuloma measured with a digitizer-computer programmed to prepare histograms and merge data from replicate experiments. Of the agents tested, the greatest reductions in granuloma size occurred after treatment with bacterial levan (71%), hydrocorticone (70%), polyanetholsulfonate (58%), and indomethacin (55%).