Thermal Load Test of a TiC Coated Mo Limiter during Steady State and Major Current Disruption Phases in the JFT-2 Tokamak with Neutral Beam Injection

A TiC coated Mo material has been tested as a limiter in the JFT-2 tokamak. The surface temperature of the limiter is measured with an infrared scanning camera. The maximum surface temperature rise during a steady state discharge with a neutral beam power of 700 kW is around 230°C in 25 msec and the heat flux density to the limiter is 1–4 kW/cm2. The maximum temperature rise during a current disruption with the beam power of 1 MW is about 100°C in 100–600 µsec and the density is the order of 50 kW/cm2. The TiC coated Mo material can be proof against such a high load.