Methyl ethyl ketone exposure in industrial workers uptake and kinetics

Exposure to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) was studied in workers occupationally exposed in industrial workplaces. Alveolar concentrations of MEK were compared with environmental exposure and with blood MEK concentrations. Urinary excretion of MEK and its metabolite, acetylmethylcarbinol, were compared with environmental exposure. The solubility of MEK was also studied in human body tissues which allowed us to estimate the distribution and kinetics of MEK by means of data computing on a multicompartimental mathematic model. The alveolar MEK concentration was correlated with the environmental MEK concentration and corresponded to 30% of it. Blood MEK concentration was correlated with alveolar MEK concentration and corresponded to 104–116 times the alveolar concentration and 31–35 times the environmental concentration. Urinary MEK excretion was correlated with environmental MEK exposure and the urinary excretion of acetylmethylcarbinol. The mean urinary MEK concentration was 4.8 times the mean environmental MEK concentration. The MEK solubility in the human tissues (brain, kidney, lung, fat, heart, muscles and liver) turned out to be similar to that found in blood (blood/air = 183). The amount of MEK and its metabolite, acetylmethylcarbinol, eliminated by the kidney corresponded together to 0.1% of the alveolar MEK uptake.