Experimental evidence for bulk superconductive behavior of EuMo6S8under pressure

The pressure dependences of the structural and superconducting transition temperatures (Ts and Tc, respectively) of a melted high-quality sample of EuMo6 S8 have been measured under nearly hydrostatic pressure up to ∼15 kbar. Applied pressure (P) depresses Ts rapidly from Ts 109 K at zero pressure to Ts=0 just below 13 kbar where the slope dTsdP is nearly vertical. A very sharp superconducting transition is observed above 13 kbar; at 13.2 kbar, Tc=12.2 K and has a width ΔTc=0.03 K. Above 13 kbar, Tc decreases nearly linearly with pressure at a rate dTcdP=0.18 K/kbar, which is comparable to that observed for other superconducting Chevrel-phase compounds. The upper critical magnetic field Hc2 as a function of temperature was measured up to 8 T and displays features that are indicative of the exchange-field compensation effect.