Yrast levels inTi44

The reaction S32(N14, pnγ)Ti44 has been studied with a view to populating high spin states in Ti44. In singles and γγ coincidence experiments γ-ray transitions in the ground state band and a negative parity band are seen and three levels connected to the ground state band, at 6508, 7671, and 8040 keV, are inferred. Angular distributions are consistent with stretched cascades. The lifetime of the 7671-keV level, presumed 10+, has been determined by the attenuated Doppler-shift method to be 2.7 ± 0.5 ps. A comparison of the present reaction with the recently reported Si28(F19, p2nγ)Ti44 reaction is made and a method for predicting the propensity of these types of reaction to feed high spin states is proposed. An(fp)4 shell model calculation of yrast levels up to J=12 has been made.