Quark singlets: Implications and constraints

Quarks whose left- and right-handed chiral components are both singlets with respect to the SU(2) weak-isospin gauge group, offer interesting physics possibilities beyond the standard model (SM) already studied in many contexts. We address here some further aspects. We first collect and update the constraints from present data on their masses and mixings with conventional quarks. We discuss possible effects on bsγ and Zbb¯ decays and give fresh illustrations of CP asymmetries in B0 decays differing dramatically from SM expectations. We analyze singlet effects in grand unification scenarios: d-type singlets are most economically introduced in 5+5* multiplets of SU(5), with up to three generations, preserving gauge coupling unification with perturbative values up to the GUT scale; u-type singlets can arise in 10+10* multiplets of SU(5) with at most one light generation. With extra matter multiplets the gauge couplings are bigger; we give the two-loop evolution equations including exotic multiplets and a possible extra U(1) symmetry. Two-loop effects can become important, threatening unification (modulo threshold effects), perturbativity, and asymptotic freedom of α3. In the Yukawa sector, the top-quark fixed-point behavior is preserved and singlet-quark couplings have infrared fixed points too, but the unification of b and τ couplings is not possible in a three-generation E6 model.
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