Extract In the United States of America, Gillespie et. al. ( 1959 Gillespie, J. H. , McEntee, K. , Kendrick, J. W. and Wagner, W. C. 1959. Cornell Vet., 49: 288–288. [Google Scholar] ) and McKercher et al. ( 1959 McKercher, D. G. , Straub, O. G. , Saito, J. K. and Wada, E. M. 1959. Canad. J. comp. Med., 23: 320–320. [Google Scholar] ) reported that the causal viruses of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis of cattle are identical. This paper records the isolation of a cytopathogenic agent from an outbreak of vulvovaginitis in cattle in New Zealand and some comparisons between this isolate and a strain of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virusisolated by Webster and Manktelow ( 1959 Webster, R. G. and Manktelow, B. W. 1959. N.Z. vet. J., 7: 143–143. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ).

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