Some observations on infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in New Zealand

Extract Nasal catarrh or “summer catarrh” in cattle has been a recognized clinical entity in New Zealand for some years, and may appear in epizootic and sporadic form. The disease is characterized by rhinitis with a thick mucopurulent nasal discharge. In the acute form of the disease, a febrile reaction may occur. Chronic cases may show periodic exacerbation of the catarrhal rhinitis. MacKinnon and Le Souef ( 1956 MacKinnon, M. M. and Le Souef, H. D. 1956. J., 4: 86–86. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ) reported an on break of “summer catarrh” in association with a confirmed case of bovine malignant catarrh and suggested the possibility of some relationship between the two conditions.