Summary The naturally-occurring corti-coids of the mouse adrenal, corticosterone and aldosterone, were interchangeable with cortisol in hormone combinations capable of inducing secretion in mammary lobules in vitro. The ability of the 3 corticoids to act similarly in organ culture suggests (1) that their differential activities in vivo are probably the result of systemic factors affecting the corticoids differently and (2) that corticoids with either primary mineralocorticoid or primary glucocorticoid activity are capable of initiating mammary secretion in organ culture. The ineffectiveness of deoxycorticoster-one in this study was in accord with observations in vivo. I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Howard A. Bern for his guidance and to Dr. Satyabrata Nandi and Dr. Joel J. Elias for their suggestions. The microtechnical assistance of Miss Lillian Pissott and the photomicrographic work of Mr. Victor Duran are gratefully acknowledged.