The LIM family transcription factor Isl-1 requires cAMP response element binding protein to promote somatostatin expression in pancreatic islet cells.

Many eukaryotic genes are regulated by cAMP through a conserved cAMP response element (CRE). Here we show that, in the pancreatic islet cell line Tu6, a well-characterized CRE in the somatostatin gene does not provide cAMP responsiveness but functions as an essential element for its basal activity. DNA-binding and functional analyses indicate that the cAMP-responsive factor CREB regulates somatostatin expression in these cells without requirement for phosphorylation at the protein kinase A-regulated Ser-133 phosphorylation site. In addition to the CRE site, cell-specific expression of the somatostatin gene requires a second promoter element, which binds the recently characterized LIM family protein Isl-1. Thus, Isl-1 and CREB appear to synergize on the somatostatin promoter to stimulate high-level expression in Tu6 cells. The ability of CREB to function in a phosphorylation-independent manner suggests a mechanism by which this protein can regulate gene transcription.