We derive new bounds on scalar leptoquark couplings from K0-K¯0, D0-D¯0, and B0-B¯0 mixing. Although leptoquarks contribute to these processes only at one loop, their contribution is large, due to the lack of Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani cancelation. Our bounds have two important features: (i) They bound g4/M2, in contrast to the hitherto known bounds on g2/M2, and are consequently stronger at high masses. (ii) The bound from D0D¯0 mixing is the first flavor changing neutral current bound in the up sector for chirally coupled leptoquarks, and is similar in strength to the K0K¯0 and B0B¯0 bounds. Together, these bounds strongly constrain any leptoquark that couples to left-handed quarks.

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