A 52 GHz Phased-Array Receiver Front-End in 90 nm Digital CMOS

The commercial potential of the 60 GHz band, in combination with the scaling of CMOS, has resulted in a lot of plain digital CMOS circuits and systems for millimeter-wave application. This work presents a 90 nm digital CMOS two-path 52 GHz phased-array receiver, based on LO phase shifting. The system uses unmatched cascading of RF building blocks and features gain selection. A QVCO with a wide tuning range of 8 GHz is demonstrated. The receiver achieves 30 dB of maximum gain and 7.1 dB of minimum noise figure per path around 52 GHz, for a low area and power consumption of respectively 0.1 mm2 and 65 mW. The presented receiver targets 60 GHz communication where beamforming is required.

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