(γ,eγ) spectroscopy: A new technique to determine electron momentum densities of solids (invited)

In the past γ‐ray Compton scattering experiments proved their value for the investigation of many‐body effects in the electronic structure of solids by measuring the projection of the electron momentum density onto the scattering vector, the so‐called Compton profile. Due to the availability of modern synchrotron radiation facilities the momentum resolution of the technique was improved substantially and, by using circular polarized photons, ‘‘magnetic’’ Compton profiles could be determined in ferromagnetic materials. A new approach, where the Compton scattered photon is measured in coincidence with the recoiling electron, allows for a direct determination of electron momentum densities in solids. This (γ,eγ) scattering technique will reach its full potential once synchrotron radiation from undulators in electron storage rings operating at energies above 10 GeV will be available.