Ce140(d, p)Ce141at 17 MeV

The reaction Ce140(d, p) has been studied at an incident deuteron energy of 17 MeV. Reaction protons were detected with an Enge split-pole spectrograph using a high-resolution position-sensitive (helix) gas counter and photographic emulsions as detectors. The energy resolution ranged from 11 to 13 keV. Angular distributions were measured in 3-5° steps for 6°θ55°. l-transfer assignments and spectroscopic factors have been deduced for 46 levels up to an excitation energy of 3.7 MeV in Ce141 by comparison with zero-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations. We note that in spite of the neutron shell closure at N=82, no Ce141 state has a spectroscopic factor in excess of 0.80. All neutron states are fragmented and considerable spectroscopic strength for l=1 and 3 is spread up to and above 3 MeV. Two well resolved fragments each for the h92 and i132 states very nearly fill the sum rules for these single-particle states. The structure of Ce141 levels below 2 MeV is well reproduced by the unified model calculations of Heyde, Waroquier, and Vincx.