Influence of Incomplete Bile Duct Obstruction on the Occurrence of Cholangiocarcinoma Induced by Diisopropanolnitrosamine in Hamsters

This study was performed to clarify the influence of incomplete bile duct obstruction (IBDO) on the occurrence of cholangiocarcinoma, using Syrian golden hamsters. These hamsters underwent simple laparotomy (SL) or IBDO at the choledochus and received diisopropanolnitrosamine (DIPN) once weekly for 20 weeks (SL-DIPN) or IBDO-DIPN groups). Histological examination in the liver showed increased bile ductules, goblet cell mataplasia of the bile duct epithelium and cholangiocarcinoma in the two groups. The occurrence rates of cholangiocarcinoma at 20 weeks were 35% in the SL-DIPN group and 89% in the IBDO-DIPN group (p < 0.01). The mean numbers of tumors per hamster in the IBDO-DIPN group were significantly higher than those in the SL-DIPN group (p < 0.01). Regarding the composition of bile acid in the intraductal bile, both groups revealed an increase in primary bile acid, consisting of more than 80% of cholic acid. Bacteria were detected in the group with IBDO throughout the whole course. These results suggest that IBDO has an influence as promoter on the occurrence of DIPN-induced cholangiocarcinoma.