Effects of Phenobarbital and Secondary Bile Acids on Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Carcinogenesis Initiated by N-Nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine in Hamsters2

The effects of dietary administration of phenobarbital [(PB) CAS: 50-06-6] or the secondary bile acids, deoxycholic acid [(DCA) CAS: 83-44-3] and lithocholic acid [(LCA) CAS: 434-13-9], on tumorigenesis in the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas were investigated in male Syrian golden hamsters after carcinogenic initiation by N-nitrosobis(2-hydroxypropyl)amine [(BHP) CAS: 53609-64-6]. BHP [500 mg/kg (body wt)] was injected sc once weekly for 5 weeks. The animals were then maintained on a basal diet or a diet containing either 0.05% PB, 0.1% DCA, 0.5% DCA, or 0.5% LCA for 30 weeks. DCA enhanced the development of cholangiocarcinomas without influencing that of hepatocellular lesions. PB promoted the induction of hepatocellular carcinomas but not that of cholangiocarcinomas. LCA was without effect on the induction of either hepatocellular carcinomas or cholangiocarcinomas. DCA at a dose of 0.5% enhanced the induction of polyps in the gallbladder. Both DCA, at a dose of 0.1%, and LCA significantly enhanced the induction of pancreas carcinomas. PB had no effect on the induction of polyps in the gallbladder or of pancreas carcinomas. These data document that different tumors may be differentially promoted following initiation with a common carcinogen.