Cross sections for (α,αn) reactions on Ni58, Cu65, and Au197 at 900 MeV have been determined relative to the Al27(α,α2pn)Na24 monitor reaction. They are 49.3 ± 3.5, 64.6 ± 2.8, and 95.8 ± 1.4 mb, respectively. The cross section used for the monitor reaction at this energy was 22.0 mb; this was determined through a comparison of the Na24 and F18 activities produced in A1 foil by 920-MeV helium ions. The general trends observed in (α,αn) cross sections as a function of target composition are discussed. The direct population of the (12-) to (2-) states of Au196 is 0.07 and this suggests a mechanism of direct emission of the neutron from the target surface. The observed trend of σ(α,αn) with the neutron skin thickness of the target also supports this mechanism. These reactions are compared with the high-energy (p,pn) reactions of the same targets.