Analysis of the B-G antigens of the chicken MHC by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis

The B-G antigens of the chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been analyzed by high resolution two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Monoclonal antibodies recognizing a widely shared B-G determinant were used for immunoprecipitating the B-G antigens from radioiodinated, detergent-solubilized erythrocyte membrane preparations. The B-G antigens produce a variety of patterns on 2-D gels. The number of polypeptides within a B-G pattern varies among haplotypes from single polypeptide arrays showing slight microheterogeneity to complex patterns which contain as many as four or five polypeptide arrays differing in relative mobility and isoelectric point. Many of the patterns, but not all, include a polypeptide of Mr =48 kd focusing near pH 6.9. At present it is not understood whether the multiple polypeptides within some B-G patterns represent the expression of multiple B-G genes or whether they are the result of modifications of single gene products during biosynthetic processing. 2-D gel analyses were also used to confirm the assignment of the same B-G haplotype in several different inbred flocks and the fate of the B-G antigens in two B system recombinant haplotypes. The 2-D gel patterns of these highly polymorphic antigens provide evidence for a complexity of the B-G locus not previously demonstrated. This technique may serve to define more objectively the diverse chicken MHC haplotypes which are now recognized and characterized only by serological techniques using alloantisera and monoclonal antibodies with varying cross-reactivities.