Does sex determination start at conception?

Recent molecular studies of mammalian sexual determination have been focused on gene expression in the gonadal ridge at the time of appearance of sexual dimorphism: the critical time defined by the ‘Jost principle’. Three lines of evidence suggest that, instead, sex determination may start shortly after conception: (1) the XY preimplantation embryo usually develops more rapidly than the XX preimplantation embryo (this phenotype has been linked to the Y chromosome and will be termed ‘Growth factor Y’); (2) the gene for testis determination, SRY/Sry, and the closely linked genes ZFY/Zfy and Smcy, are transcribed in the preimplantation embryo; and (3) male and female preimplantation embryos are antigenically distinguishable, indicating sex differences in gene expression. The data to support these assertions are reviewed. Possible relationships of these three phenomena to each other and to sex differentiation are discussed. Similarities in mechanisms of sexual determination between marsupial and eutherian mammals are hypothesized. Problems with interpreting male sexual differentiation as being solely due to testosterone and Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) are discussed.