Previous work on a crossing-symmetric bootstrap model for the asymptotic vertex function is generalized to an analysis of the asymptotic behavior of composite-particle scattering amplitudes. Using off-mass-shell integral equations, but making no reference to field theory, a complete, unitary, crossing-symmetric bootstrap theory is constructed and a consistent asymptotic solution for all of the n-particle amplitudes is obtained. The asymptotic prediction for the two-body scattering amplitude, valid in the limit in which |s|, |t|, and |u| approach infinity, is compared with the qualitative features of the wide-angle proton-proton scattering data, and a severe restriction is thereby placed on the asymptotic rate of decrease of the hadronic vertex functions. This restriction is consistent with a new lower bound, F(t)>~ceb(t)14 for t, on the hadronic form factors, which is derived here under the assumption of the Wick rotatibility of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. While previous nonrelativistic "bootstrap" models predict F(t)=ceb(t)12, the fourth-root behavior is shown to be consistent with the relativistic bootstrap theory.