In-Depth Characterization of Slurry Packed Capillary Columns with 1.0-μm Nonporous Particles Using Reversed-Phase Isocratic Ultrahigh-Pressure Liquid Chromatography

Fused-silica capillary columns packed with 1.0-microm nonporous C18 bonded particles are evaluated with isocratic ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC). Improved UHPLC techniques have demonstrated column efficiencies as high as 730 000 plates/m and run pressures over 6800 bar (100 000 psi) for packed 10-microm-inner diameter (i.d.) columns. Columns as large as 150 microm have been tested with UHPLC and show no flow-induced heating effects on separation efficiencies. van Deemter plot analysis for column i.d.s ranging from 10 to 150 microm shows an increase in column efficiency with a decrease in column i.d. Reduced parameter analysis further illustrates a decrease in reduced parameter A term and C term values with decreasing i.d. However, reduced parameter C term values for columns evaluated with UHPLC are an order of magnitude larger than C term values for larger particles at conventional pressures. Retention factors for moderately retained compounds are observed to increase with column i.d., suggesting an increase in packing density. Highly ordered packing arrangement at the column wall is seen for packed beds extruded from large-diameter columns.