The Value of Thermography and the Determination of Fibrin‐Fibrinogen Degradation Products in the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis

Patients (51) with leg symptoms indicating deep venous thrombosis (DVT) were investigated concomitantly with thermography and phlebography. Altogether 26 legs with phlebographically proven DVT exhibited a thermographic picture typical of DVT. So did 3 out of 25 legs with no DVT. A 94% agreement was found between phlebography and thermography when applied to legs with suspect DVT. The serum levels of fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) were assayed in 58 patients attending hospital for suspect DVT. These patients were free from other diseases known to be followed by raised FDP levels. With borderline significance, the DVT group had higher FDP values. The usefulness of this laboratory test in the diagnosis of DVT is questioned.