Scanning electron-micrographs have shown the covering of microvilli on the surface of the redia ofParorchis acanthus.In the contracted state the elongated microvilli with bulbous extremities seen in the surface grooves may be the result of compression. The surface of the epidermis of the cercaria is smooth on a large area of the ventral surface and lattice-like with microvilli, laterally, anteriorly, dorsally and on the tail. The spines on the body can be withdrawn into sheaths by the contraction of muscle fibres inserted into the basement lamina below each spine.I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr I. ap Gwynn of this department for preparing the scanning electron-micrographs and the School of Engineering Science, University of North Wales, Bangor for the use of their stereoscan. I should also like to thank Mr M. C. Bibby for technical assistance and Professor E. G. Gray and Dr W. Sinclair for assistance with the transmission electron-micrographs.