Experimental Porphyria. III. Hepatic Type Produced by Sedormid.

Summary and Conclusions 1. Allylisopro-pylacetylcarbamid (“Sedormid”) produces an hepatic form of porphyria in rabbits. 2. The livers of these animals contain large amounts of proto-, copro- and uroporphyrin, the latter chiefly in the form of non fluorescing precursors. Porphobilinogen is also present. 3. The protoporphyrin is excreted only, and the coproporphyrin chiefly, in the bile, most of the uro- type porphyrins appearing in the urine, in amounts ranging up to 60 mg in 24 hours. The latter consists mainly of type III isomers, but type I has also been identified in small amount. Large amounts of porphobilinogen are excreted in the urine. 4. The porphyrin content of erythrocytes, bone marrow, spleen, and brain is within normal limits. 5. Transient paresis of hind limbs, dilatation of the stomach, and constriction of the pylorus are noted, with irregular small bowel spasm. Death is invariably due to rupture of the stomach. 6. The possibility is discussed that the genesis of the porphyria is related to a primary effect of the Sedormid on the formation of iron porphyrin enzymes in the liver cell.