In vitro regeneration of plantlets and multiplication of Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W.F. Wight plants from cultured callus tissue were demonstrated. Callus was established from both cotyledons and mature leaflets on Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with BAP (0.5 mg/l) and 2,4-D (2 mg/l). Callus mediated shoot bud differentiation was studied under defined nutritional, hormonal and cultural conditions. Various concentrations of BAP or kinetin (Kn) with coconut milk (CM) in MS media induced different levels of shoot bud differentiation as well as multiplication. Multiple shoot bud differentiation occurred in most of the primary calli. The best medium for shoot bud differentiation from cotyledon derived callus, contained BAP (2 mg/l) and 15% CM (V/V). More efficient shoot bud organogenesis was recorded with BAP than Kn. Supplementation with CM in MS media accelerated shoot bud organogenesis in differentiating callus tissue. Rooting of differentiated shoots was achieved by a three step culture procedure involving (a) MS solid medium containing IBA (2 mg/l), (b) growth regulator free half strength MS medium with 1% charcoal, and (c) half strength MS liquid medium free of vitamins, growth regulators and charcoal.