Valor de la medición ecográfica de longitud cervical en gestantes con amenaza de parto prematuro para predecir un parto pretérmino

Conclusión En nuestro grupo de estudio no existe relación estadísticamente significativa(p = 0,322) entre parto pretérmino y acortamiento cervical ≤ 22 mm. Abstract Objective To asses the clinical value of measuring cervical length through transvaginalul trasonography in a group of patients with threatened preterm labour. Subjects and method We prospectively examined 165 women between weeks 24 and 34 of gestation admitted to hospital between 2001 and 2002 for cervical dilatation and uterine contractions. Cervical length was measured by transvaginalul trasonography and a cut-off value of 22 mm was established to analyze the association between preterm birth and cervical shortening. A cut-off value of ≤ 22 mm was chosen to increase the positive predictive value. Results Of the 165 pregnant women, 73 (44.2%) had preterm deliveries. Of these, 17 women had a cervical length of ≤ 22 mm on ultrasonographic examination, representing 23.3% of preterm births. Of the 92 women with a term delivery (55.8%), only 15 showed a cervical length of ≤ 22 mm, representing 16.3% of the total number of term births. Conclusion In our study group, no statistically significant association (p = 0.322) was found between the risk of preterm delivery and a cervicallength of ≤ 22 mm. Palabras clave Longitud cervical Parto pretérmino Examen ecográfico Key words Cervical length Preterm delivery Ultrasound examination Bibliografía 1. J.F. King A. Grant M.J. Keirse I. Chalmers Beta-mimetics in preterml abour: an overview of the randomized controlled trials Br J Obstet Gynaecol 95 1998 211 222 2. G.A. Macones S.Y. Segel D.M. Stamilo M.A. Morgan Prediction of delivery among women with early preterm labor by means of clinical characteristics alone Am J Obstet Gynecol 181 1999 1414 1418 3. I. Hoesli S. Tercanli D. Strutas W. Holzgreve Charts for cervical length in singleton pregnancy Am J Obstet Gynecol 82 2003 161 165 4. F. Goffinet G. 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