All data reported by 200 analysts (106 laboratories) are presented for the four ANRT samples: Diorite DR‐N, Serpentine UB‐N, Bauxite BX‐N and Disthène DT‐N. Recommended values are given for the major and minor elements. As far as the as trace elements are concerned, DR‐N has been characterized for 35 elements whereas the other three samples have been for only 20 elements. Wherever possible, brief comments have been inserted so as to explain our way of assigning recommended or proposed values.After more than a decade of existence the total number of data reported for all the four samples reach only 3200 units which are not sufficient enough for a valid evaluation of compiled data. It is also pointed out that these samples are most likely to be available even during the next century as they have been prepared in large quantities of the order of one ton. A plea is therefore made for contribution of more data particularly for trace elements and for major elements which are present as trace elements in UB‐N, BX‐N and DT‐N.