Induction of cytotoxicity of peritoneal exudate cells by agrimoniin, a novel immunomodulatory tannin of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb

The cytotoxic activities of the PEC after an i.p. injection of agrimoniin, a tannin contained in Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. were studied. The plastic nonadherent PEC had significantly higher NK cell activity than the untreated control, and the adherent PEC were cytostatic toward MM2 and MH134 cells. The adherent PEC did not cause tumor cell lysis by themselves, but were cytolytic against MM2 cells in the presence of anti-MM2 sera. In the course of these effects of PEC after the i.p. injection of agrimoniin, the augmentation of NK cell activity was the earliest reaction, reaching a peak at 2 days after the injection; then, cytostatic activity increased. The induction of antibody-dependent cell lytic activity was a later reaction, which reached a peak at 6 days after the injection.