Operation of a Grid-Shuttered Image Converter Tube in the Picosecond Region

Experiments have been carried out to investigate the performance of a standard, commercial, image converter tube (RCA C73435) in the picosecond region. Using a multikilovolt subnanosecond‐rise time pulse generator, switched by a laser‐triggered spark gap, to generate the deflection pulses, streak velocities of 1.6×1010 cm/sec and a streak‐limited resolution of <5 psec have been obtained. Photocathodesaturation and space charge effects are avoided with the use of low cathode currents, and, in order that photographic records can be obtained on high‐speed film, a high‐gain (106), four‐stage magnetically focused image intensifier (EMI 9694) is optically coupled to the screen of the image converter tube. The over‐all response time of the camera is also dependent on the transit time spread of the photoelectrons between the cathode and the screen and this is reduced by the application of accelerating voltages of 2500 V to the ICT grid. Evaluation of the camera system has been undertaken with the 1.06 μ fundamental output of a mode‐locked neodymium glass laser. Mode‐locked pulses of ∼6 psec duration were resolved.