Nuclear structure ofK46: Studies withCa48(d,αγ)K46and deuteron-transfer reactions

The reactions Ca48(d,α)K46 and Ca48(d,αγ) were studied at Ed=17 and 7 MeV, respectively. Angular distributions for the Ca48(d,α) reaction were obtained in 5° steps from θlab=10° to θlab=145°. Data for θ60° were taken with a split-pole spectrograph with resolutions of 13-25 keV. Only the levels at 0, 0.587, 0.691, 0.886, 1.370, 1.738, and 1.941 MeV were seen significantly above background. Excitation functions for 16Ed17 MeV at θ=90 and 100° showed energy dependent cross section variations of ≲ ± 15% for the ground state and 0.587 MeV level, larger ones for the 1.738 MeV state and negligible variations for the 0.691, 0.886, and 1.941 MeV levels. The level energies listed were also deduced from the fast αγ coincidence spectra which also served to set independent spin limits. A simultaneous microscopic distorted wave Born approximation analysis for the (d,α) data and the Ca48(p,He3) and Ca48(p,t)Ca46 (T=4) cross sections previously studied at Ep=42 MeV was performed. Under the assumption that Ca48 is doubly magic theoretical and empirical wave functions for the six low-lying negative parity states of K46 were deduced and used to derive empirical (s12f72)2, (d32f72)2, and (s12f72,d32f72) residual np interaction matrix elements. The Ca48(d,α) reaction at 17 MeV, as well as the Ca48(p,He3) and the Ca48(p,t) transitions at Ep=42 MeV show some features that cannot be explained by one-step direct two-nucleon transfer. The excitation of unnatural parity states in Ca48(p,t)Ca46 (T=24) and the importance of L>j1 transitions for the corresponding states in K46 point to significant two-step contributions. Similarly, the triplet (ΔS=1), (ΔT=0) transfers in (p,He3) are underpredicted with respect to singlet transfers.