In vitro growth inhibition of dunning rat prostate tumor by bone marrow factor

Normal Copenhagen rat bone marrow was assayed for growth inhibition of cultured MAT LyLu rat prostate tumor cells. A marrow‐derived factor was identified that had significant growth inhibitory activity in vitro against MAT LyLu as well as against DU‐145 human prostate tumor and MBT‐2 mouse bladder tumor cells but that was noninhibitory to normal rat fibroblasts. The factor was stable to degradation by acid, heat, freezing, trypsin, and carboxypeptidase B. The factor was nonreactive with Coomassie blue, and the molecular weight was estimated as < 620 daltons. A similar factor was identified in normal human and normal rat sera. The presence of this factor in bone marrow may explain the absence of osseous metastases in the Dunning rat prostate tumor model.