The spin‐lattice relaxation time T1 of 3He gas is calculated with the kinetic theory formulation due to Chen and Snider. The temperature dependence of T1 is evaluated for the Beck and the McLaughlin and Schaeffer He–He isotropic potential functions with a dipolar interaction assumed to be responsible for the relaxation of the nuclear spin. A sharp minimum in T1 near 1°K is obtained for both potentials and it appears that the minimum value of T1 is sensitive to the form of the interatomic potential, particularly to the form of the potential in the region of the well. For temperatures above approximately 2°K, T1 ρ varies approximately as T1/2. The calculated values of T1 at 4.2°K and a density of 0.7× 10−2gm/cc are 181.2 and 176.7 min for the Beck and the McLaughlin and Schaeffer potential functions, respectively. Chapman and Richards, in a preliminary set of experiments have measured T1 and the longest relaxation time for this density and temperature was found to be 113 min.