Samples of raw or pasteurized cow’s milk and infant formula were assayed for glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity, selenium (Se), and total protein. GSH-Px activity was detected in raw milk, but not in market-pasteurized milk or infant formula. The correlation between GSH-Px activity and Se levels was significant, even when the influence of protein level was removed. This result implies a role of GSH-Px as one of biologically active forms of Se in raw milk. Absence of GSH-Px activity in pasteurized milk and infant formula result from the heating process in these productions, because the heating of raw milk gave an irreversible inactivation of GSH-Px. Both GSH-Px activity and Se levels had significant correlation with protein level, but not so when the respective influences of Se and GSH-Px levels were removed. In raw cow’s milk, Se content was 23 ng/mL and GSH-Px activity was 20 U/mL. About 12% of Se was bound to GSH-Px, and 0.003% of protein was GSH-Px. Raw milk obtained in July contained higher levels of Se, GSH-Px, and protein than that in November. Data for cow’s milk were discussed in relation to those for human milk and those in New Zealand.