Reproducibility studies of lattice matched GaInAsP on (100) InP grown by molecular beam epitaxy using solid phosphorus

Growth of lattice matched GaInAsP on (100) InP was achieved using all solid source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Two valved cracking cells, one for phosphorus and the other for arsenic, were employed to supply the column V fluxes. The ability to obtain lattice matched conditions to InP was found to be highly reproducible and readily achievable using two valved cracking cells. X‐ray diffraction and photoluminescence measurements showed run‐to‐run variations in the arsenic/phosphorus mole fractions of less than 1%. Lattice matched Ga0.30In0.70As0.68P0.32 layers displayed 300 K luminescence full width at half maximums as low as 40.6 meV at λ∼1.43 μm. The results suggest all solid source MBE offers a viable alternative to existing heterojunction growth technologies.