The one-dimensional Schrödinger equation can be written as a first-order multicomponent equation by considering ψ and dψ/dx, or combinations thereof, as independent variables. A potential barrier is then represented by a matrix belonging to one of the homomorphic groups SU(1,1), SO(2,1), Sp(2,R), or SL(2,R). The relationship between these groups is clarified. In various applications, one of them may turn out more convenient than others. In particular, SO(2,1), which is obtained by using as a basis some bilinear combinations of ψ and dψ/dx, leads to remarkable results: The Schrödinger wavefunction is represented by a trajectory on a unit hyperboloid; a periodic potential corresponds to a pseudorotation around a fixed axis; a random potential gives a random walk on the hyperboloid. This method can also be used to calculate bound states (in potential wells) and may have many other interesting applications.