Bandpass measurements in the electroretinographic electrode circuit

In the experiments in this study band-pass measurements in electroretinographic electrode circuits were done for the first time, according to the information presently available to us. Our experiments show that in the much faster band-pass assessment by analysis of sawtooth and square waves no major error is involved. It may be concluded from our results that the recordings of the ERG potentials are not changed by the characteristic properties of the electrode circuit in the frequency range of interest. In den hier beschriebenen Experimenten wurden zum ersten Mal, soweit uns bekannt ist, Bandpaßmessungen im elektroretinographischen Elektrodenstromkreis durchgeführt. Die Resultate unserer Experimente lassen erkennen, daß bei der wesentlich schnelleren Beurteilung des Bandpasses anhand geeigneter Testsignale keine gröberen Fehler gemacht werden.

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