Development of a sodium-pump/neo-lasant photopumped soft X-ray laser

An intense source of sodium pump-line radiation has been created and used to photopump a neon plasma for application to a pulsed-power driven sodium/neo X-ray laser. Properties of the sodium-pump plasma and the neon-lasant plasma required to optimize fluorescence and lasing are determined. The implosion of a sodium-bearing plasma with a megampere pulsed-power driver (Gamble II) is used to produce a linear Z-pinch with up to 25 GW of sodium-pump-line radiation. A separate neon plasma, driven by part of the return current from the imploding sodium plasma, is created parallel to the sodium line source at a distance of 5 cm. Evidence for population inversion is indicated by fluorescence enhancement of the 11-AA resonance line from the n=4 level of neon when pumped by sodium.