The Spatial Vectorcardiogram in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

A study of 90 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy revealed a typical configuration of the spatial vectorcardiogram in most of the subjects. Typically the QRS sÊ-loop was smooth, wide and rounded, inscribed in a counterclockwise direction and placed largely to the left and above the isoelectric point in its frontal plane projection. The left sagittal plane projection of the QRS sÊ-loop was long, narrow and directed largely upward and posteriorly. The typical T sÊ-loop was small, smooth, horseshoe-shaped and counterclockwise in inscription in both frontal and left sagittal plane projections. In some instances the QRS sÊ-loop was similar to that of the normal but was always accompanied by an abnormal T sÊ-loop.

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