In order to avoid administering radio-iodine to schizophrenics and controls, a method using single dimensional paper chro-matography with ammoniacal butanol was used. The iodine-containing spots were developed by wetting the chromatogram with an acid solution of ceric sulfate and arsenic trioxide. Since this method was less sen-sitive than those using isotopes, 20 ml of plasma was concentrated to 0. 1 - 0. 2 ml before being applied to the paper. 3, 5, 3-triiodothyronine was measured in serum without the use of radio-iodine. Analysis of 12 sera from schizophrenics and 10 sera from non-schizophrenics did not reveal any difference in concentrations of 3, 5, 3-triiodothyronine-iodine. Standard deviation of the individual values was 0. 04 [mu]%. In a mixture of 20 different human sera 3, 3-diiodothyronine could not be detected.