Magnetic XANES of Circularly Polarized X-Ray Absorption on Fe and Ni Metals and Nd2Fe14B Compound

Magnetic effects in the X-ray absorption process have been measured using circularly polarized X-rays emitted from an elliptical multipole wiggler. Magnetic XANES spectra on the K -edge of Fe and Ni taken by the transmission method show positive and negative spin polarizations, respectively, near the Fermi level which are consistent with the results in literature. A large positive magnetic XANES spectrum on the Nd L 2 -edge of Nd 2 Fe 14 B compound measured by the fluorescent method indicates that the unoccupied 5 d -bands are polarized due to a significant hybridization between 4 f - and 5 d -states. The magnetic XANES spectrum on the Nd L 3 -edge has a structure below the Fermi level, suggesting a quadrupole transition contribution of the partially vacant majority band of 4 f -states.