A Vegetation History of the Far North of New Zealand during the Late Otira (Last) Glaciation

During the latter part of the last (Otira) glaciation the forest cover of New Zealand was much reduced. It has frequently been postulated, however, that diverse mixed forest communities survived in the far north of North Island. Pollen diagrams and radiocarbon dates from two last glacial and postglacial (Aranuian) sits on the Aupouri Peninsula in the far north of New Zealand are compared with other published palynological and plant macrofossil evidence from the region. Mixed kauri/podocarp/angiosperm forest was present at times during the late Otiran (and Aranuian) and no evidence was found for substantial loss of forest. However, radiocarbon samples from one site, at least, seem to have been contaminated with young carbon; this introduces uncertainty into the chronology established at that site. Possibly nondeposition or erosion has obscured part or all of the late Otiran record at all the sites studied so that very much reduced forest cover at that time cannot be ruled out.