Methods of quantifying circulating IgE

Four radioimmunoassay techniques, 2 conventional and 2 sandwich, were used to measure circulating Ig[immunoglobulin]E levels in 100 [human] sera. The test sera had IgE levels ranging from 1.0-20,000 u[units]/ml, and each was measured at 5 dilutions, ranging from 3-fold to 400-fold. The same IgE standards were used throughout, and the optimal range for each assay was determined by assessing data for quality control sera and the WHO standard 69/204. To be of general use in the UK an IgE test must measure accurately levels as low as 20-30 u IgE/ml. The Phadebas RIST [radioimmunosorbent test] method failed to meet this criterion, and of the remaining tests the double antibody method had the most useful operating range and produced the most reliable results. The double antibody method is not available commercially; for the majority of laboratories, the Phadebas PRIST [paper RIST] technique should be the method chosen.