Production and Decay of Cascade Hyperons

The production of cascade hyperons by K incident on hydrogen has been studied at beam momenta of 1.7, 2.1, and 2.4-2.7 GeV/c. A sample of 3028Ξ and 934Ξ0 was obtained. Cross sections and polarization for ΞK+ and Ξ0K0 production are presented. The data are compatible with dominance by I=0 baryon exchange in ΞK+ production, but also provide strong evidence for resonance formation in the s channel compatible with Y0*(2100). Copious production of Ξ*(1530) and K*(890) is observed in the three-and four-body final states. A broad Ξπ enhancement is observed in the ΞK+π0 and Ξ0K+π final states at a mass near 1894 MeV/c2 and with a width of about 98 MeV/c2. This enhancement is identified with the Ξ*(1930) first observed by Badier et al. Lifetime measurements give τΞ=(1.61±0.04)×1010 sec and τΞ0=(3.070.20+0.22)×1010 sec. A decay-parameter analysis assuming spin ½ yields αΞ=0.391±0.045, αΞ0=0.43±0.09,

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