High-resolution doppler-free two-photon spectroscopic studies of molecules. II. Theν2bands ofNH314

Detailed studies involving high-resolution Doppler-free two-photon spectroscopic measurements of the ν2 vibrational bands in NH314 are presented. Using the technique of combining fixed-frequency ir sources with molecular Stark tuning presented in the preceding paper, we have used two successive Q(5,4) vibrational-rotational transitions to study the spectroscopic and collisional properties of the ν2 vibrational manifold. We report (1) precise transition energies for the (ν2,J,K)=(0,5,4)(2,5,4) two-photon transition, (2) pressure-broadening and pressure-shift data, (3) optical Stark shift parameters, and (4) excited-state transition matrix elements. An observation of collisional narrowing arising from NH314-Ne collisions is also reported.