Divergent structure and function of the bicoid gene in Muscoidea fly species

SUMMARY We have investigated the evolution of the bicoid (bcd) gene in fly species of the Muscoidea Superfamily. We obtained the complete bcd sequence from the housefly Musca domestica and found polymorphism in the coding region among Musca strains. In addition to Musca, we cloned most of the bcd coding sequences from two blowfly species Calliphora vicina and Lucilia sericata. The 5′ and 3′ regulatory regions flanking the Musca bcd gene are widely diverged in sequence from Drosophila; however, some important sequence motifs identified in Drosophila bcd are present. The predicted RNA secondary structures of the 3′ UTRs are similar, despite sequence divergence. Comparison of Bicoid (Bcd) proteins shows a serine‐rich domain of unknown function is present in the Muscoidea species, but is absent in other species. The in vivo function of bcd in Musca was tested by RNAi to mimic loss of function phenotype. We obtained a head defect phenotype similar to weak bcd alleles of Drosophila. Although our comparisons initially suggest functional conservation between species, closer inspection reveals significant differences. Divergence of structural motifs, such as regulatory elements in flanking regions and conservation of protein domains in some species but not in others, points to functional divergence between species. We suggest that the larger embryonic size in Muscoidea species restricts the morphogenetic activity of a weak Bcd activator, which has evolved a more specialized role in head determination and lost some functions in thoracic development.