Final State Rescattering and Color-suppressed \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0} h^0 Decays

  • 11 December 2001
The color-suppressed \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\pi^0, D^{(*)0}\eta, D^0\omega decay modes have just been observed for the first time. The rates are all larger than expected, hinting at the presence of final state interactions. Considering \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\pi^0 mode alone, an elastic D^{(*)}\pi -> D^{(*)}\pi rescattering phase difference \delta \equiv \delta_{1/2} - \delta_{3/2} \sim 30^\circ would suffice, but the \bar B^0-> D^{(*)0}\eta, D^0\omega modes compel one to extend the elastic formalism to SU(3) symmetry. We find that a universal a_2/a_1=0.25 and two strong phase differences 20^\circ \sim \theta < \delta < \delta^\prime \sim 50^\circ can describe both DP and D^*P modes rather well; the large phase of order 50^\circ is needed to account for the strength of {\it both} the D^{(*)0}\pi^0 and D^{(*)0}\eta modes. For DV modes, the nonet symmetry reduces the number of physical phases to just one, giving better predictive power. Two solutions are found. We predict the rates of the \bar B^0-> D^{+}_s K^-, D^{*+}_s K^-, D^0\rho^0, D^+_s K^{*-} and D^0\phi modes, as well as \bar B^0-> D^{0}\bar K^0, D^{*0}\bar K^0, D^{0}\bar K^{*0} modes. The formalism may have implications for rates and CP asymmetries of charmless modes.

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