Final state rescattering and color-suppressedB0D(*)0h0decays

The color-suppressed B0D(*)0π0,D(*)0η,D0ω decay modes have just been observed for the first time. The rates are all larger than expected, hinting at the presence of final state interactions. Considering the B0D(*)0π0 mode alone, an elastic D(*)πD(*)π rescattering phase difference δδ1/2δ3/230° would suffice, but the B0D(*)0η,D0ω modes compel one to extend the elastic formalism to SU(3) symmetry. We find that a universal a2/a1=0.25 and two strong phase differences 20°θ<δ<δ50° can describe both DP and D*P modes rather well; the large phase of order 50° is needed to account for the strength of both the D(*)0π0 and D(*)0η modes. For DV modes, the nonet symmetry reduces the number of physical phases to just one, giving better predictive power. Two solutions are found. We predict the rates of the B0Ds+K, Ds*+K, D0ρ0, Ds+K*, and D0φ modes, as well as the B0D0K0, D*0K0,