Synthetic alloploid Brassica oxyrrhina (2n = 18, OO) x B. campestris (2n = 20, AA) was repeatedly backcrossed with B. campestris to place B. campestris nucleus in the cytoplasm of B. oxyrrhina. Alloplasmic plants, obtained in BC5 generation, were stably male sterile but mildly chlorotic during initial development. Synthetic alloploid B. oxyrrhina-campestris was also hybridized with B. juncea to transfer B. oxyrrhina cytoplasm. Segregation for green and chlorotic plants was observed in BC1 and BC2 generations. By selection, however, normal green male sterile B. juncea was obtained in BC3. Pollen abortion in both B. campestris and B. juncea is post-meiotic.