Psychometric and Information Processing Properties of Selected Response Time Models

This paper discusses the compatibility of some response time (RT) models with psychometric and with information processing approaches to response times. First, three psychometrically desirable properties of probabilistic models for binary data, related to the principle of specific objectivity, are adapted to the domain of RT models. One of these is the separability of item and subject parameters, and another is double monotonicity. Next, the compatibility of these psychometric properties with one very popular information processing approach, the serial-additive model, is discussed. Finally, five RT models are analyzed with respect to their compatibility with the psychometric properties, with serial-additive processing and with some alternative types of processing. It is concluded that (a) current psychometric models each satisfy one or more of the psychometric properties, but are not (easily) compatible with serial-additive processing, (b) at least one serial-additive processing model satisfies separability of item and subject parameters, and (c) RT models will more easily satisfy double monotonicity than the other two psychometric properties.