Velocity modulation infrared laser spectroscopy of molecular ions: The ν1 and ν3 bands of fluoronium (H2F+)

The infrared absorption spectrum of the fluoronium ion (H2F+) has been observed in the gas phase using velocity modulation laser absorption spectroscopy of a H2/HF plasma. Over 300 transitions were measured in the frequency range 3080–3500 cm1 and assigned to the ν3 and ν1 bands of H2F+. The band centers are 3348.710(20) cm1 for ν1 and 3334.679(5) cm1 for ν3. 150 transitions in ν3 have been fit with a least squares procedure yielding rotational constants and centrifugal distortion constants for the ground and first excited ν3 states. The r0 structure of fluoronium has been determined: rH–F=0.968(9) Å; αHFH=113.9(1.0)°.